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Title: Experimental Investigation of the 23Na(alpha,p)26Mg Reaction. Supervisor: Hans Fynbo. External examinator: Per Morgen
Title: Performance of 14C on a new AMS System. Supervisor: Jan Heinemeier/Jesper Olsen. External evaluator: Bent Lauritzen
Vejleder: Alberto Imparato
Mandag den 1. juni kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
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All interested colleagues at the Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, iNano and Mathematics departments are invited
QUSCOPE seminar
Speaker: Signe Seidelin, Institut Néel, CNRS, Grenoble, France
Title: Hybrid quantum systems: NV-centers, quantum dots and recent…
Title: A Quantum Mechanical Heat Engine. Supervisor: Klaus Mølmer. External examinator: Antti-Pekka Jauho, DTU
Title: Computing Dark Universes - Cosmological N-body Simulations of Dark Matter. Supervisor: Steen Hannestad. External examinator: Troels Haugbølle,…
Title: "Dwarf Galaxy Challenges to the Cold Dark Matter Paradigm"
Speaker: Prof. Julio Navarro, University of Victoria,…
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Title: The Dark Side of the Sun - On Neutrinos and Solar Constraints on Dark Matter. Supervisor: Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard. External examinator:…