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Workshop training and technical drawing course is planned for week 3 and 4, 2019. The individual course run for 1 week, in total 37 hours. There will…
Title: Characterization and Optimization of a Three Dimensional Dosimeter Based on Optically Stimulated Luminescence. Supervisor: Peter Balling.…
Speaker: Guizhong Zhang, Tianjin University, China
Title: Vortex Momentum Distribution in Hydrogen
Abstract: This presentation will start with a…
Information meeting for all employees by Head of Department Ulrik Uggerhøj
Wednesday 5th December 2018 at 9.00 in Fys. Aud.
The first Aarhus University satellite will be launched on Wednesday night 5 December
Invitation, registration link and registration fees to follow.
Droplets are very common in nature, from liquid water to superfluid Helium and nuclear matter. In this talk I will discuss two examples of…
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Lektor Ole Lauridsen fra Center for Undervisning og Læring vil holde et spændende og lærerigt foredrag om ”Hjernen og læring”:
Ingen er i tvivl om,…
SpeakerSimon Wall, ICFO Barcelona
TitlePhase transitions in quantum materials
AbstractQuantum materials exhibit some of the most…