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It is well known that computer simulation models are used to make projections of future climate change. It is less well known that some of the…
Mandag den 4. november kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
James Webb Space…
Michele Caraglio, Università di Padova, Italy
The many daily realizations of high frequency asset returns can be…
Torsdag den 7. november kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Einsteins svage ækvivalensprincip,…
Title: Localizing trapped ions in an intracavity optical lattice
Speaker: Rasmus Bogh Linnet, IFA
Time and place: Thursday 7/11, 15:15, Phys. Aud.
Mandag den 11. november kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Curiosity marsroveren…
'Fundamental tests of nature with cooled and storet exotic ions'
Klaus Blaum
Max-Planck-Institut für kernphysik,…
Page 1 of 3.
Title: Microscopic 4-Point Probe. Supervisor: Philip Hofmann. External examinator: Lars Diekhöner
Title: Correlations of Rydberg excitations in optically driven atomic ensemblesSpeaker: David Petrosyan, Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser,…
Vejleder: Anders BarfodTorsdag d. 28. november kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Træers evne til at hæve vand op til 100 m over…
Title: Synthetic Gauge Fields in Synthetic Dimensions
'Molecular electronics - new forces'
Per Hedegård
Niels Bohr Instituttet
If the atoms in a metallic wire is set…
Title: Optical Wind Speed Sensor for Wind Turbines. Supervisor: Martin Kristensen. External examinator: Lars Glavind
Speaker: Maurizio Salaris, Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Title: Lithium in old stars, mixing and big bang…
Vejleder: Thomas Bull AndersenMandag den 25. november kl. 14.15Fys…
Foredragsholder: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen Tid: Fredag d. 22. november, kl. 15.15-16.00 (kage, te og kaffe fra kl. 15.05) Sted: Aud G1 …
Title: Theory for real time analysis of laser-driven many-electron dynamics in atoms and molecules
Speaker: Haruhide Miyagi, IFA
Time and place:…
'Small state versus Superpower: Science and Geopolitics in Greenland in the Cold War'
Matthias Heymann
Centre for…
Novae are thermonuclear explosions that take place on the surface of white dwarf stars with a…
In the coming years a new generation of…
Title: The few-atom problem - Consequences of quantum statistics and dimensionality
Title: Stochastic dynamics and thermodynamics of a thermally driven Brownian particle. Supervisor: Alberto Imparato. External Examinator: Michael…
Title: Topology of Large-Scale Structure in Cosmology from Numerical Simulations. Supervisor: Steen Hannestad. External examinator: Troels Haugbølle,…
Title: Band-structure Effects in Strong-field Excitation of Dielectric Materials. Supervisor: Peter Balling. External examinator: Esben Skovsen, AAU
Title: Thoughts on rotational response of BEC in quasi-1D toroidal trap and its possible rotation-sensing application.
Speaker: Michal Kolar,…