Aarhus Universitets segl

Studenterkollokvium - Rune P. Bloom: An ocean of energy: Harvesting the energy of the waves

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 14. marts 2019,  kl. 15:15 - 16:00


Fys. Aud.

This picture shows where there is the most energy in the oceans
This picture shows where there is the most energy in the oceans

Supervisor: Günter Houdek

An analysis of the waves on the ocean. These waves are gravity waves, and comes in two types.

One type is the wind waves, which is completely dependent on the local wind. The other wave is the swell wave, and is emitted from winds over a big area, making a fetch. These waves are independent of the local wind.

Furthermore, the amount of energy in waves is also calculated, and it is shown that there is the most energy in the ocean, on the southern hemisphere.

The waves with the most energy is the swell waves.

Lastly, a way to harvest this energy is presented. This is the Crestwing, and It is presented where the best placement for a wave energy converter would be. This is could be in the northern pacific and atlantian. The best location would be at the heard island and the French Southern and Antarctic Lands.