New postdoc - Fan Yang
Fan Yang started as postdoc in December 2020 in Klaus Mølmers group. He will join the Center for Complex Quantum Systems (CCQ), headed by Professor Thomas Pohl.
Fan Yang joined the research group of Prof. Klaus Mølmer as a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Complex Quantum Systems (CCQ) in December 2020. In 2015-2020 Fan conducted his PhD research (supervised by Prof. Li You) at the Department of Physics, Tsinghua University. He obtained his PhD degree in August 2020, following which he worked as a research associate at the same department for several months. Fan will work on theoretical quantum optics and quantum information processing, and in particular he focus on those topics in Rydberg atom systems. He looks forward to working closely with colleagues at the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Welcome to Fan Yang.