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Title: Ultrafast-laser excitation of dielectrics: Optical and morphological properties of different materials. Supervisor: Peter Balling. External…
Vores nye dekan Niels Christian Nielsen er på "institut-tour", hvor han gerne vil mødes med så mange medarbejdere som muligt.
Du inviteres derfor til…
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Jeg inviterer til et foredrag om ioniserende stråling generelt, og specielt ved ASTRID2 faciliteten. Foredraget er tiltænkt alle…
Speaker: Timothy White, Sydney Institute for Astronomy, School of Physics, University of Sydney, AustraliaTitle: Testing asteroseismic scaling…
Niels Christian Nielsen’s appointment as dean of Science and Technology is being celebrated with a reception.
Title: Properties of Exoplanetary Systems from Detailed Analysis of the Phase Curves. Supervisor: Hans Kjeldsen. External examinator: Anja Andersen,…
Vejleder: Steen HannestadTorsdag den 29. august kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Vi har i…
Title: The CoRoT mission’s exoplanet program: Present results and legacy projectsSpeaker: H. J. Deeg Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Spain…
Title: Evaluation of Dose Distribution in External Radiation Treatment of Retinoblastoma-Patients. Supervisor: Karsten Riisager. External evaluator:…
Speaker: Michael V. DePalatis
Title: Th3+ Ion Trapping and Production of Cold Molecular Ions
Frequency metrology using trapped ions has…
Do empirical data uniquely…
Title: "Strong Coupling in Multielement Optomechanics (or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bad Mirrors)"Speaker: Dr André Xuereb, Queen's…
Title: Structure modeling and renormalized power flow statistics of fully renewable energy networks. Supervisor: Martin Greiner. External examinator:…
Title: Modeling of spatio-temporal Flow Patterns in a fully renewable pan-European Power System. Supervisor: Martin Greiner. External examinator:…
Speaker: Rodrigo Shiozaki is from USP in Sao Carlos, Brazil.
Title: "Thermodynamics of Trapped Gases: new global parameters and global heat…
Title: Advances towards Multiphoton Ionization of Positronium. Supervisor: Ulrik Uggerhøj. External examinator: Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen, DTU
Title: The fragmentation pattern of firefly oxyluciferin after photoexcitation in gas phase. Supervisor: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen. External examinator:…
Speaker: Rhita-Maria Ouazzani, IAS, Université Paris Sud, Centre universitaire d’Orsay, 91405 ORSAY, France
Title: Non-perturbative effects of…
What is wrong with the received view of the discovery of the electron?
Theodore Arabatzis
Department of Philosophy and History of Science University…
Title: Development of a Treatment Planning System and New Treatment Strategies in Ion Therapy. Supervisor: Karsten Riisager. External examinator:…
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