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Title: Radiation Reaction by Planar Channeling in Aligned Single Crystals. Supervisor: Ulrik Uggerhøj. External examiner: Peter Panum Kjeldsen
Title: Twins, Siblings, and the Rest of the NGC 2506 Family: A Study of an Open Cluster Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries. Supervisor: Frank Grundahl.…
Title: Towards Improved ASTRID Performance; Studies of lattice and extraction. Supervisors: Søren P. Møller/Jørgen S. Nielsen. External…
Title: Continuous Adjoint Shape Optimisation In Turbulent Flow Systems. Supervisors: Gorm Bruun Andresen / Bo Gervang. External examiner: Jens Juul…
Title: An Experimental Study of 8B Beta Decay. Supervisors: Karsten Riisager/Oliver Kirsebom. External examiner: Ian Bearden.
Title: Exoplanets orbiting in double star systems. The case of Epsilon Cygni. Supervisor: Simon Albrecht. External examiner: Uffe Graae Jorgensen.
Title: Time Series Analysis of Light Curves of Targeted Extra-Solar Systems. Supervisor: Hans Kjeldsen. External examiner: Uffe Graae Jørgensen.
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