Aarhus University Seal

General Physics Colloquium - Klaus Blaum: 'Fundamental tests of nature with cooled and storet exotic ions'

Info about event


Wednesday 13 November 2013,  at 15:15 - 16:00


Fys. Aud. (1523-318)

General Physics Colloquium

'Fundamental tests of nature with cooled and storet exotic ions' 


Klaus Blaum

Max-Planck-Institut für kernphysik, Heidelberg

The talk will concentrate on recent applications with exciting results of Penning traps in atomic and nuclear physics with cooled and stored exotic ions. These are high-accuracy mass measurements of short-lived radionuclides, g-factor determinations of the bound-electron in highly-charged, hydrogen-like ions and g-factor measurements of the proton and antiproton. The experiments are dedicated, e.g., to astrophysics studies and to tests of fundamental symmetries in the case of mass measurements on radionuclides, and to the determination of fundamental constants and a CPT test in the case of the g-factor measurements.


 Coffee/tea and cake will be served at 3 PM.