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Vejleder Klaus Mølmer
It is no secret that animated shorts and movies stretch the laws of physics in order to make way for entertaining scenes and…
Title: Waveguide-coupled atoms: how a simple quantum optical system can amaze you Abstract: The collective absorption and emission of light by an…
Vejleder: Ole J. Knudsen
Mange kender det, at få spørgsmål som disse når de fortæller de er astronomer eller astronomi studerende: ”Kan du gætte mit…
If you have not received a calendar invitation, please contact: Hanne Bak hbak@phys.au.dk to receive the zoom link.
Vejleder: Frank Grundahl
James Webb Space Telescope, JWST, Hubble teleskopets efterfølger, markerer det næste store skridt i observationel astronomi.…
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