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Vejleder: Hans Fynbo
21/11 kl 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Vejleder: Karsten Riisager
Tirsdag den 21. november 2016Fysisk Auditorium
Vi har alle – på et tidspunkt i…
Inaugural lecture Tuesday 22 November 15:15-16:00 honorary professor Thomas Tauris
After the lecture there will be a glass and a marzipan ring cake…
Title: Flow Tracing in a Simplified Heterogeneous European Renewable Electricity Network.
Supervisor: Martin Greiner
External Examiner: Jens Juul…
Title: Numeric Investigation of Advanced Quantum Optimal Control Algorithms
Supervisor: Jacob Sherson
External Examiner: Bjarne Andresen
Title: Weather Based Heat Load Forecasting Using Machine Learning Systems
Supervisor: Gorm Bruun Andresen og Magnus Dahl
External Examinor: Jens…
Vejleder: Ulrik Uggerhøj
28/11-2016 kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Den irske fysiker John S. Bell, ham…
Vejleder: Peter Balling
28/11 15:15Fysisk Auditorium
Har du undret dig over hvordan Harry Potter kan skjule sig…
Title: An Experimental Study of the Decay of 21MG. Supervisor: Karsten Riisager. External Examiner: Ian Bearden.
Georg Bruun
The physics behind the Nobel Price 2016
The Nobel Price in…
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