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Vejleder: Dmitri Fedorov
Mandag den 15. December kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Space: the final frontier. Is it…
Title: Microfiber Phantom Mimicking Gray Matter for Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Supervisor: Sune Nørhøj Jespersen. External examinator: Tim…
Title: Unknowns of energy concentrating phenomena
Speaker: Seth Putterman, Physics Department UCLA
Sted: Aud D3 (1531-215) Bemærk: lokaleskift.
Tid: Onsdag d. 17 december 15.15-16.00 (kaffe, te og kage fra kl.…
Title: Intra-fractionel Target Motion during adaptive Radiotherapy of Bladder Cancer. Supervisor: Karsten Riisager. External evaluator: Ivan R.…
Title: Investigating the Feasibility of using Convergent Cross Mapping to determine causality in fMRI data. Supervisor: Sune Nørhøj Jespersen.…
Title: STM Studies of 02 Intercalation under Graphene on a Platinum (111) Surface and Self-Assembly Structures of C60 on Graphene on Iridium (111).…
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