Onsdagsforedag - Brian Hinrup: Mød en fysiker i job
Info about event
Mød en fysiker i job
Brian Hinrup
Sted: Aud D3 (1531-215) Bemærk: lokaleskift.
Tid: Onsdag d. 17 december 15.15-16.00 (kaffe, te og kage fra kl. 15.05)
Brian Hinrup, uddannet kandidat i Astronomi ved IFA, vil fortælle om sit job ved Mærsk efter han blev færdiguddannet og hvordan han har kunnet bruge sin uddannelse inden for olieindustrien.
Brian skriver:
The oil business presents many new experiences, challenges, and opportunities for any newly graduated physicist. I will be presenting the Maersk Oil International Technology And Science (MITAS) programme. The presentation will include an introduction of the basics of the oil industry, with particular focus on what work I have been doing past year and how my education has helped me during my first year at Maersk Oil.