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Title: Confined Quantum Systems with Multiple Degrees of Freedom: Selected Problems with 1 Particle in Two Dimensions and N Particles in One…
At 06:24 to be precise
AbstractRecent years have witnessed a tremendous explosion of data, which continues unabatedly: it is estimated that the digital universe is…
Title: Topological superfluids in Fermi-Bose mixtures. Supervisor: Georg Bruun. External examiner: Mark Rudner.
Title: Machine Learning in Structural Optimization. Supervisor: Bjørk Hammer. External examiner: Thomas Garm Pedersen.
Title: Semiclassical Two-Step Model for Dynamics in Strong Laser Fields. Supervisor: Lars Bojer Madsen. External examiner: Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen.
Title: Testing Asteroseismic Radii With Kepler and Gaia. Supervisor: Victor Silva Aguirre. External examiner: Allan Hornstrup.
Title: Radiocarbon in Atlantic Cod Otoliths. Supervisor: Jesper Olsen. External examiner: Bent Lauritzen.
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