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On August 1st 2023, Gurpreet Singh joined Aurelien Dantans group as a postdoc.
ASTRID2 is the successor to ASTRID, which also happens to be a Scandinavian or Old Norse name, popularly translated as 'Divinely Beautiful'. But what…
Rikke Ploug Frydenberg started at IFA 1/8, where she was employed as a project coordinator in Nikolaj Zinner's group.
A review on “spontelectric” materials has been published in Accounts of Chemical Research and the story made the front cover of the issue.
Marcel Mudrich, in collaboration with a group of researchers, have had their latest research results published in a recognized journal Phys. Rev.…
Wednesday 28 June KIF invites us to a BBQ party
Secrets of Dark Matter
We celebrated the importance of teaching by presenting awards for Teacher of the Year and Instructor of the Year
Professor Sune Nørhøj Jespersen has received DKK 6,179,836 from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for the project: "Imaging magnetic…
For the project "Fluorescence mass spectroscopy going cold: Energy transfer in “frozen” molecular ions" Steen Brøndsted Nielsen has received a grant
The public outreach part of the space mission Huginn at the International Space Station ISS was launched on Monday 22. May 2023 during at meeting in…
Title: Light Echoes: A Stellar Light Show captured by the Hubble Space Telescope
October 4th IFA invites 100 Danish children and youths for a visit for the national Science Day.
In April 2023, AU has been set up as a drone operator with the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority.
This means that if you use drones in your…
Do you have a great idea for a space-connected start-up? Then Nordic Launch 2023 is for you!
Our faithful 5MV accelerator has rounded 30,000 hours.
Monthly contribution from Niels Carl Hansen
Daniel has been a reasearch assistent since september 2022.
As a PhD student he will explore the interaction between light and matter in the context…
Title: A Quantum Metamorphosis
On 15th April 2023, Kim-Khuong Huynh joined Yong Chens group as new postdoc
Anna Katrine Mathiassen joins CCQ as temporary Center Manager on 17 April 2023
Monthly contribution from Christina Kjær, postdoc
Slørtågen (Veil nebula), som er en rest af en supernova, og som består af opvarmet ioniseret gas. Den ligger I en afstand på ca. 2400 lysår og er I…
Title: Jumps in quantum materials
Sumanta Khan joins the Center for Complex Quantum Systems in February 2023
Mohsen Salimi from Iran, started on 1st February as a postdoc for a 2-year period in Aurelien´s group.
Monthly contribution from Torben Hyltoft Thomsen, Research Technician
Probing icy clouds in the cosmos
The student satellite DISCO-2 is now one step further towards launch in Summer 2024. On 10 January 2023 the contract confirming the order was signed…
Mid-december 2022 saw the signing of a new contract between IFA and the European Space Agency ESA on development of new technologies towards the…
Life and death of the Bose polaron.
Jeppe Sinkbæk's Master's Thesis on the red giant star KIC 8430105 is the basis for a recent paper in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Regarding research project: ”Twisting superconductivity out of atomic bilayers”.
Monthly contribution from Jens Jacob Iversen, Precision Mechanic
InterCat PI Mie Andersen and postdoc Raffaele Cheula have received a grant for the project “Data-Driven Modelling of Oxide Catalysis”.
Finding clues from oak trees.
Project title: Finding the interaction point of single gamma photons: enabling next-generation PET scanners (Points-gamma)
(text in Danish only)
Monthly contribution from Christiane Rahbek
Monthly contribution from Rosana Martinez Turtos, Assistant Professor
New paper in Astrophysical Journal Letters featuring IFA's Max Stritzinger as main author.
Andreas Bock Michelsen, starts as Postdoc in Nikolaj Zinners group on 1st November 2022 until the end of 2023.
IFA physicist Thomas Pohl, together with Arno Rauschenbeutel from the Humboldt University Berlin and Sebastian Hofferberth from the University of…
Philip Hofmann has been elected 2022 Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) by the Division of Condensed Matter Physics.
Ewine van Dishoeck has received the Niels Bohr International Gold Medal from HM The Queen at Carlsberg Academy
Title: Around the World in 13 Hours, by Shaeema Zaman at Science Melting Pot
Monthly contribution from Mads Fredslund Andersen, Telescope and Satellite Manager
For the second year in a row, student course and study group result in a paper in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
From 1st October, we have employed Maria Juhler Maibom as head of department secretariat at Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Monthly contribution from Anne E. B. Nielsen, Associate Professor
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