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Professor Flemming Besenbacher has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (www.aps.org) “for contributions to the understanding of…
Brian Bech Nielsen and Arne Nylandsted receive DKK 18,9m from the Danish Council for Strategic Research to develop a cheap and very efficient…
According to the journal Physics World, the most important research results in physics in 2010 were produced by Jeffrey Hangst, Physics and Astronomy,…
RIKEN Research has selected an IFA-CERN work as highlight 2010. The research is carried out by Helge Knudsen, Ulrik Uggerhøj, Hans-Peter E.…
The prestigious Sapere Aude grant (the new career programme from the Danish Council for Independent Research) was awarded to postdoc Nikolaj Zinner,…
Professor Lene Vestergaard Hau, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences/Hau Lab, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, is giving a lecture…
The Centre for Scientific Computing (CSC-AA) at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, has been granted DKK 7.65 million (just over…
An international team of physicists at CERN, led by Dr Jeffrey Hangst from the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, has succeeded…
Hans Fynbo er født i 1971 og fik ph.d-graden i 1999 fra Aarhus Universitet. Derefter fortsatte han karrieren ved det internationale forskningscenter…
The opening of Tycho Brahe’s tomb on Monday 15th November was one of the biggest highlights so far in a project which aims to give new and more exact…
Professor Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, has been granted a prestigious Advanced Grant by the…
Professor Flemming Besenbacher, Aarhus University, Denmark, has been appointed Honorary Professor at two additional leading Chinese universities for…
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 was awarded jointly to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov for their work on graphene.
The interview with postdoc Jacob Friis Sherson is in Danish.
Brian Bech Nielsen has been appointed the new dean at the Aarhus Faculty of Science and Technology (Naturvidenskab og Teknologi). His current position…
American astronomers are warning that violent solar storms can paralyse the Internet in 2013. “Take it easy!” says astronomer Christoffer Karoff. He…
Postdoc Jacob Friis Sherson, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, presents ground-breaking news on ultra-cold atoms and…
Danish physicist Lene Vestergaard Hau was named World Dane 2010 by global network Worldwide Danes at the organisation’s annual summer meeting, held at…
A new record low temperature for a cloud of antiprotons was measured at CERN in Geneva, announces a report in the 2 July Physical Review Letters.
"120 degrees below zero, sand storms and an atmosphere of CO2..." The members' journal number 3 2010 of Dansk Metal (The Danish Metalworkers' Union)…
The Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation has rewarded the advanced technology project "Green accelerator technology for Magnet Systems"…
On 14 - 18 June, 2010, 150 international experts in asteroseismology discussed one of the outcomes of NASA's Kepler mission, that is seismic…
Charlotte Sahl-Madsen, Danish minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, appoints a new advisory space committee with professor Jørgen…
Researchers at Aarhus University Hospital and Aarhus University now have access to Denmark’s largest and most advanced online database of research…
A new education in hospital physics will meet the rising need for specialists within radiation therapy and cancer treatment. Associate Professor Kars…
In collaboration with scientists from the Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) in Berlin, the research teams of Lars Bojer Madsen (Theory, Department of…
Associate Professor Ulrik Uggerhøj, Department of Physics and Astronomy, is giving three talks on Danmarks Radio's "Danskernes akademi" programme…
Philip Hofmann is employed as of March 1st at the Department of Physics and Astronomy as a professor with special responsibilities in experimental…
Members of the the ion trap group led by professor Michael Drewsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, are the first to…
Associate Professor Liv Hornekær, Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Associate Professor Philip Hofmann, The Institute for Storage Ring…
Associate Professor Philip Hofmann, The Institute for Storage Ring Facilities in Aarhus (ISA) and The Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center at Aarhus…
Jan Arlt is with effect from 1 March, 2010, employed as Associate Professor in experimental quantum gas physics at the Department of Physics and…
Georg Bruun bliver med virkning fra 1. juni i år ansat ved Institut for Fysik og Astronomi som lektor i teoretisk atom, molekyle og optisk fysik. …
In the cellar under the Department of Physics and Astronomy lies the world's largest Mars-simulator - a simulator that can reproduce the climate and…
Some of the smallest particles in the universe can divulge some of its largest secrets. Professor Jes Madsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, has…
Bachelor student in physics Rune Elgaard Mikkelsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, won the climate challenge 2009 on how to reduce paper waste.…
Professor Niels Egede Christensen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, is among the 157 Outstanding Referees of the Physical Review and Physical…
Professor Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard at the Department of Physics and Astronomy talks on Danmarks Radio's "Viden Om" programme about NASA's Kepler…
Professor Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Conny Aerts and Donald W. Kurtz have written the book Asteroseismology.…
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