AU-support for the next space mission for astronaut Andreas Mogensen
The public outreach part of the space mission Huginn at the International Space Station ISS was launched on Monday 22. May 2023 during at meeting in Industriens Hus, Copenhagen. The Faculty of Science at AU is supplying two ambassadors to the project.
The ambassadors are museum curator Ole Eggers Bjælde of the Science Musea and Ole J. Knudsen, public outreach officer with the Aarhus Space Centre. For the coming year or so, they with the other 18 Huginn-ambassadors are tasked with informing all in Denmark that they are able to participate in space research and space technology at all levels. Said by ESA-astronaut Andreas Mogensen at the kick-off meeting: "We also need smiths and electricians if we wish to send people and technology out in space."
At the kick-off meeting the new web portal was launched. It is ment to be first point of information for all matters concerning the Huginn-mission and to be an umbrella for all the participants in the mission, both in research and outreach.
Protector for the Rumrejsen-project is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Frederik. He showed an active interest in what was shown during the meeting, but asked he found himself too old to aim for a trip into space!