Victor Silva Aguirre has been appointed associate professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Study of the history of the Milky Way to be strengthened via the appointment 1 April 2019 of a new associate professor.

Victor Silva Aguirre's main line of work also in the future will be "Galactic Archaeology" at the Stellar Astrophysics Centre, based at the Department. From super precise determinations of the ages and abundances of selected stars our Milky Way Galaxy can be mapped, giving a better understanding of its creation and development. The characterisations of the stars are amongst others and mainly based on asteroseismic data from the satellites Kepler and TESS, followed up by detailed observations of stellar spectra with telescopes around the Globe. The title for the project is iSIMBA.
In 2018 Victor was appointed a member of the prestigious Danish Young Academy. In this connection he described his research and some of his background. In 2017 he was granted DKK 5,9 million from the Sapere Aude program to continue research in "Asteroseismology for Galactic archaeology: rediscovering the Milky Way."