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Mads Fredslund Andersen, Steallar Astrophysics Centre and in charge of the SONG-telescope onTenerife won the competition, and presents one of the…
Sea foam is not only water and salt
Two of the exoplanets orbiting the star Kepler-107 are twins of size but they are by far of the same mass. Astronomers explain this as a result of a…
It is Thomas Pohl and Jeffrey Hangst, who are both to receive one of the prestigious "Semper Ardens" grants.
Thanks to the many that attended at Auditorium E last Thursday. We have not yet heard from the satellite, but we are still optimists.
Miguel Bastarrachea is a new postdoc in the group of Georg Bruun, and he joined the group 1 February 2019.
Recent paper in Nature Physics reveals the trick. IFA's Marcel Mudrich and ph.d. Mykola Shcherbinin are co-authors.
Miroslav Gajdacz has joined the team of Science at Home in the group of Jacob Sherson since January 2019.
A well written and thorough presentation of the recent discoveries, a.o. of the double-magic nucleus Sn-132 and of the long term involvement of Danish…
S&T is joining a cross disciplinary Space Entrepreneurship Program in collaboration with ESA, The European Space Agency, assuring that our students…
Peter Balling, Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Ludvig Muren, Department of Clinical Medicine, AU have received an Interdisciplinary Synergy…
Anne E. B. Nielsen is one of four young researchers from Science & Technology to receive the prestigious Sapere Aude grant from the Danish Independent…
Peter Grünwald is a new postdoc who joined the group of Thomas Pohl.
IFA's Luis Ardila and coworkers study ultracold atoms in optical lattices in Physical Review Letters
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Aarhus University the university paper Omnibus brings interviews with some of the key personnel. Our Grete…
Scientist from ISA, Department of Physics and Astronomy are involved in results that have been published in Nature Chemistry 10, 1056-1061 (2018).
From one SONG telescope on Tenerife the network will soon expand. (Sorry, in Danish only for now).
Marcel Mudrich has received a Distinguished Associate Professor Fellowship from the Carlsberg Foundation (4.4 million Danish kroner) for a project…
The Falcon 9 rocket launcher carrying the Dragon freight module rose into a perfect blue sky over Florida on Wednesday 5 December danish time, and our…
We'll be following the launch of the first Aarhus University satellite Delphini-1 from the Lakeside Auditorium on Campus Wednesday 5 December from…
Concise review uses interactive figures to help building understanding.
What happens exactly at the moment when a Type Ia supernova exoplodes? Astronomers from IFA are co-authors on a new paper in The Astrophysical Journal…
Researchers develop a versatile remote interface to give citizen scientists control over a quantum gas experiment and start to unravel how humans…
The discovery has been made with the OSIRIS spectrograph at Gran Telescopio Canarias by a group of astronomers led by IFA's Carolina von Essen.
Ltaief Ben Ltaief will join the group of Marcel Mudrich on 6th November 2018 as a postdoctoral researcher
Fabian Maucher is a new postdoc in Thomas Pohl's group with interest in nonlinear physics, such as Bose-Einstein condensates, nonlinear optics and…
Vincent Jarlaud has joined the group of Michael Drewsen on 1 October 2018.
Normally quantum fluctuations are difficult to study. In a recent Physical Review Letters publication IFA researchers Nils Byg Jørgensen, Georg Bruun…
Starting 1 September, Karsten Brogaard is employed for one year as an external lecturer at the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Karsten will be…
Professor Thomas Tauris has been calculating how that might sound, and this is reported in a recent paper titeled "Disentangling Coalescing Neutron…
The IFA CERN-group has been one of the driving forces behind the establishment of the new IDS detector installation at CERN, and now the results start…
Earl is a new post-doc in SAC who is interested in stellar structure, evolution, and pulsation
The rotation of the Sun is a complicated matter, and astronomers are quite a bit away from a full understanding of why this is. 13 other sunlike stars…
Congratulations to professor Lars Bojer Madsen, newly elected Fellow of APS. Lars is IFA professor in theoretical atomic, molecular and optical…
Deepnarayan Biswas has joined the group of Søren Ulstrup on 10th September, 2018.
As of 1 September, Thomas Tauris has received employment in a fixed-term position as Professor in Astrophysics
New paper in Phys. Rev. X by A. Camacho-Guardian and G.?M. Bruun from IFA
New paper in PRL: Two polarons squeezed inside a cigar shaped condensate behave totally different than expected.
New paper in PRL: Bi-polarons are bound states of two quasiparticles that exchange sound modes.
The first AU satellite Delphini-1 is expected to be launched in November 2018. Now the control room at IFA is ready.
Jacob Sherson has received a Semper Ardens grant of DKK 15 million from the Carlsberg Foundation for a project seeking to combine human intuition and…
Strict regulations for Sulphur emissions call for improved catalytic processes of reducing Sulphur content in crude oil. Scientists from…
Workshop training and technical drawing course is planned for week 33 and 34, 2018.
Deadline for signing up is Tuesday 26 June 2018.
Ulrik Uggerhøj will be our new Department Head from 1st July 2018.
Congratulations Ulrik.
Please mark your calendar Wednesday 27 June 2-4 pm, where…
At a short ceremony ending the informations meeting on Monday 4 June 2018 associate professor emeritus Poul Erik Nissen was awarded IFA's medal for…
Professor Christensen-Dalsgaard is one of the most prominent contemporary stellar researchers. Since taking his PhD degree at Cambridge University in…
Amin Salami Dehkharghani (quantum mechanics) has helped to lay a foundation for our understanding of one-dimensional quantum systems. This can have a…
Georg Bruun and Jan Arlt at IFA have received a grant of Dkr kr. 5 842 049 from Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond for further work into this exiting and…
Stellar Astrophysics Centre has hired Mads Fredslund Andersen as SONG manager for the next 4 years, starting 1 April 2018.
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