ESS - the most effect efficient accelerator in the World
The recent copy of Aktuel Naturvidenskab brings a paper by IFA and ISA researchers Søren Pape Møller and Heine Dølrath Thomsen on progress, problems and solutions
![[Translate to English:] ESS fra luften. Accelerationsretningen er langs bygningen opad mod højre. Foto: Perry Nordeng. [Translate to English:] ESS fra luften. Accelerationsretningen er langs bygningen opad mod højre. Foto: Perry Nordeng.](/fileadmin/site_files/nyheder/ESS_Perry_Nordeng.jpg)
The European Spallation Source in Sweden is going to deliver the first neutrons in 2010 according to plans, and then a wealth of new discoveries are expected. The paper (in Danish) in Aktuel Naturvidenskab can be downloaded here as pdf-file.