Aarhus University Seal



Philip Hofmann awarded the Gaede Prize 2011

- imported:phys.au.dk:20:Nyhed

Professor Philip Hofmann, Department of Physics and iNANO, Aarhus University, has been awarded the Gaede Prize by the German Vacuum Society for his…

Physics Show – Denmark’s best science show

With the aid of singing metal bars and floating balls, Science and Technology’s Physics Show spreads the joy of science. And it’s the best in Denmark…

Astronomer dissekerer stjernernes indre

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Astronomer fra Aarhus Universitet kan med de nyeste målinger fra Keplersatellitten afsløre præcist hvilke energiprocesser, der finder sted i kernen af…

Ultra-short laser pulses write holograms in record-high resolution

- imported:phys.au.dk:20:Nyhed

New research has created high-resolution, computer-generated reflection holograms with three-dimensional effects written directly on the surface of a…

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010

- imported:phys.au.dk:20:Nyhed

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 was awarded jointly to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov for their work on graphene.

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