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Introduction to General Theory of Relativity. Fall 2015.

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Lecture notes:
  1. [ PDF; page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png page-4.png ] (25.06) Introduction. Special relativity.
  2. [ PDF, page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png page-4.png ] (25.06) Einstein's principle of equivalence between gravitational and interital forces.
  3. [ PDF; page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png page-4.png ] (25.06) Vectors in curvilinear coordinates. Covariant differentiation. Christoffel symbols.
  4. [ PDF, page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png ] (25.06) Motion of free bodies in curved spaces. Geodesics.
  5. [ PDF, page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png page-4.png page-5.png ] (25.06) Electrodynamics in gravitational fields. Lorentz force and Maxwell equations.
  6. [ PDF, page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png ] (25.06) Action of matter in gravitational fields. Energy-momentum tensor of matter.
  7. [ PDF, page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png page-4.png ] (25.06) Riemann curvature tensor; Hilbert-Einstein action of gravitation; Gravitational field equation (Einstein equation).
  8. [ PDF, page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png ] (25.06) Newtonian limit of general relativity. Gravitational waves.
  9. [ PDF, page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png ] (25.06) Schwarzschild solution. Motion in the Schwarzschild metric.
  10. [ PDF, page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png ] (25.06) Classical tests: anomalous perihelion shift; bending of light; gravitational redshift.
  11. [ PDF, page-1.png page-2.png ] (25.06) Radial fall in the Schwarzschild metric. Lemaitre coordinates. Event horizons. Black holes.
  12. [ PDF, page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png page-4.png ] (25.06) Geomerty in a homogeneous and isotropic universe. Friedman equation.
  13. [ PDF, page-1.png page-2.png page-3.png ] (25.06) Solutions to Friedman equation. Big Bang. Cosmological redshift. Hubble constant.
  14. [ PDF, page-1.png ] (25.06) Proper time and length intervals in general relativity.

Dmitri Fedorov
Old home, Wikipedia, MathWorld

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