Aarhus University Seal



[Translate to English:] Forskertalent fra IFA er rejst til nobeltræf i Tyskland

- Department of Physics

[Translate to English:] Alexander Holm Kiilerich fra IFA deltager i det 66. Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting i Bodensee, udsendt af Det frie…

Researchers at IFA to receive grants from Danish Council for Independent Research

- Department of Physics

Science & Technology at Aarhus University receives a total of 91 million Dkr from DFF. 2.4 million goes to IFA researchers Alberto Imparato and Henrik…

The sugar of life found on comet 67/P

- Department of Physics

The fundamental building blocks of life seem to be 'easily' found in the Universe. Thanks to data transmitted from the comet lander Philae during it's…

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