Aarhus University Seal


A century ago, research in optical spectra led to the development of quantum physics and our understanding of the atomic constitution of matter. Today, light-matter interaction is essential in energy and information technologies and our ability to probe and control the dynamics of microscopic physical systems with light holds promise for scientific and technological exploitation of genuine quantum phenomena: quantum interference, entanglement and quantum jumps.

These years witness significant experimental and technological breakthroughs in new light sources and new material components and three main themes may be identified for the current research in optical processes at the quantum scale:

  • Control of quantum system dynamics with light
  • Generation of light by quantum systems
  • Probing and precision sensing with light and quantum systems.

These themes and their prospects for practical applications and for scientific breakthroughs all transcend the borders of the established specialist areas in physics. The Villum Foundation Centre of Excellence, QUSCOPE, unites and combines insights, experience and methods developed in three different research groups in the fields of quantum optics, ultrafast laser science, and nanooptics at Aarhus University and Aalborg University in Denmark. 

Together they address the research challenges and possibilities of Quantum Scale Optical Processes from a broad perspective and with a multitude of methods. The center offers a multi-faceted research training program, and young investigators in QUSCOPE acquire a combination of skills that will be in demand in future research and in the technological exploitation of quantum matter-light technologies.

The research in QUSCOPE is documented in our publications and in our annual reports.

QUSCOPEs logo 


The research in the Centre receives funding from further sources.