Meet an employee at IFA
Monthly contribution from Anne E. B. Nielsen, Associate Professor
Briefly explain your path to IFA/AU. Where have you been before?
"I have been a student and PhD student at IFA. I have also been at Stanford University in California, the Max-Planck Institute für Quantenoptik in Munich and the Max-Planck Institute für Physik Komplexer Systeme in Dresden".
What was the reason for your choice of job?
"I've always been very interested in science, so I've never been in any doubt about what I wanted to do. There has been a concrete plan all the way".
Name three things that you value in your work.
"That I can, to a great extent, myself decide what I do. That there are always new and exciting research challenges to take up. To supervise students and postdocs".
Talk about your research. What is the most exciting research result you have achieved?
"My group is looking for and investigating unusual properties of artificially constructed quantum-mechanical objects exposed to, for example, low temperatures and/or strong magnetic fields. Among other things, we work with topology, non-thermal effects, fractals and kvasicrystals. The most exciting research result is always what we are in the process of investigating right now".
Where is your favourite spot at IFA?
"My office. Halfway between the desk chair and the blackboard".
What is your professional passion?
"That you can think your way to a great deal based on incredibly few basic principles. The challenges of suggesting and finding answers to complex research questions".
What do you do in your spare time?
"I like to be active outdoors, especially running, cycling, hiking and archery. I also like repairing and building things".