Aarhus University Seal

Rubina Raja


Professor, DPhil (oxon), centre director

Primary affiliation

Rubina Raja CV

Areas of expertise

  • Classical Archaeology and Art
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Field archaeology
  • Ancient Religion
  • Historiography

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Rubina Raja is professor of classical archaeology and art at Aarhus University, Denmark and director of the Danish National Research Foundation’s centre of excellence Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet).

Raja’s research focusses on classical art and archaeology in its broadest sense with particular expertise in the visual cultures of the ancient Mediterranean and its bordering regions, including iconography and portrait representations in the Hellenistic and Roman worlds (primarily the Eastern Mediterranean), urban and landscape archaeology, sites and their societies’ multiple networks from the Hellenistic to the medieval periods. While being a classical archaeologist, she also works in fields intersecting traditional archaeology and natural sciences, bringing high-definition studies of the past to the forefront – an approach, which has most prominently been pioneered through the work done within the framework of UrbNet, since 2015.

Raja is educated from University of Copenhagen (BA, 1999) and University of Oxford (M.St, 2000; DPhil 2005). She was a postdoc at Hamburg Universität, Germany (2005-2007), and at Aarhus University (2007-2009), and became associate professor in 2009 and professor with special responsibilities in 2012. In 2015 Raja took up the professorial chair in classical archaeology and art at Aarhus University after an international search and evaluation process.

Raja has received numerous national and international research awards, among these the Friedrich Wilhelm von Bessel Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation, Germany (2022), Queen Margrethe IIs rome Prize (2021), Dansk Magisterforeningsforskningspris (2019), the EliteForsk Research Prize from the Danish Ministry of Research and Education (2015) and the Silver Medal for outstanding research in the humanities and social sciences from the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (2014) as well as Tagea Brandts Award for female researchers (2014).

Rubina Raja is a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters as well as the Academia Europaea. She is an elected corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute and the Archaeological Institute of America.

Raja is the founder of several international book series, among those Mediterranean Studies in Antiquity and Urban Pasts (both with Cambridge University Press) as well as Studies in Classical Archaeology, Archive Archaeology, Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History, Women of the Past as well as Journal of Urban Archaeology, all published by Brepols Publisher.

Raja has extensive research, supervision and personal management experience, including supervision of students at all levels, HR management, staff development and budget planning. Her CV includes degrees and course certificates in research management, management and public governance, among these from INSEAD (Fontainebleau, France), Copenhagen Business School (Copenhagen, Denmark) and Via University College (Aarhus, Denmark) and the former Forvaltningshøjskole (Copenhagen, Denmark).

Raja has held fellowships at some of the most prestigious research institutions in the world, including The Max Weber Kolleg (Universität Erfurt, 2014/2015), The Getty Institute (villa scholar, 2018), Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies (member, 2019) and All Souls College, Oxford (visiting fellow, 2023). In 2015 she was awarded the distinguished lectureship in the Human Sciences by the Max Planck Gesellschaft, Germany. In 2023 she gave the Rumble Fund Memorial Lecture at King’s College, London, and the Pritchett Lecture at University of California, Berkeley. In 2024 she will give the Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures, which are amongst the most prestigious named lectures within classical studies worldwide.

Raja is actively engaged in discussions on research politics and the role of research, in particular the humanities as foundational and inherently important to modern societies as well as the promotion of a better gender balance, the furthering of equality in general and inclusion in academia.

Raja is an experienced fieldwork archaeologist and has co-directed fieldwork projects in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, most prominently the Danish-Italian Caesar’s Forum Project together with Jan Kindberg Jacobsen and Claudio Presicce Parisi (2017-2023) as well as the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project with Achim Lichtenberger (2011-2021). She currently co-directs the Khirbet al-Khalde Archaeological Project together with Craig Harvey and Emanuele Intagliata.

Her portfolio of research project directorships include, apart from UrbNet the following collaborative research projects: The Danish Inter World War Archaeological Engagement in the Middle East: a digital platform project; Archive Archaeology; the Palmyra Portrait Project as well as Circular Economy and Urban Sustainability in Antiquity. The earlier Ceramics in Context project came to an end after four years of research and publications. She was co-PI of the ERC Advanced Grant project headed by Jörg Rüpke ‘Lived Ancient Religion’ (2012–2017).

Raja is open to supervising and co-supervising students at all levels within her fields of expertise.

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