Aarhus University Seal

Karsten Riisager


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Areas of expertise

  • Nuclear physics
  • Data analysis

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


The main part of my research is concerned with exotic nuclei, in particular how their decay and their structure are related. I have worked experimentally at the ISOLDE facility at CERN and at several other nuclear facilities in Europe, in international experimental collaborations and occasionally also with theoreticians. During the last decades much of my technical efforts have been focussed on data analysis, often based on problems encounted in our experiments.

Teaching activities

Apart from lecturing (at the moment on nuclear physics and adjacent areas, plus on data analysis) and supervising physics students at alle levels, I have for a number of years worked in the departments phd program committee, lately as chair.


I am adviser on the responsible conduct of research and freedom of research at the faculty of natural science at Aarhus University.

Selected publications

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