Aarhus University Seal

Celebration of the 100 year for Jens Lindhards birth

One-day symposium 15/9-2022

The 100-year anniversary for Jens Lindhard was celebrated with a one-day-symposium Thursday15/9-2022. (Postponed due to Corona).

Jens Lindhard were Professor in theoritical physics from 1956 and until his pensioning in 1992. He is one of the most remarkable persons in the Department history  See. https://biografiskleksikon.lex.dk/Jens_Lindhard for a short biography. The primary goas of the event was to communicate the history about Jens Lindhard to IFAs employees and students.  

 See program for the individual talks. In between the talks small clip from Jens Lindhards farewell lecture was shown. "Alting og Ingenting" (Everyting and nothing), which was held in connection with his 70 years birhtday in 1992. 

After the closing of the symposium at approx. 16:30, the Friday bar was open for a couple of hours, and it was here possible to play the HEX game with colleagues and students, which is mentioned in the last lecture of the symposium. 

Arranged by the Lindhard grant and IFA