Aarhus University Seal

VILLUM foundation - Information Meeting

Info about event


Monday 9 May 2016,  at 13:00 - 14:00



The VILLUM Foundation is hosting an information meeting at Science & Technology Monday May 9th 2016 at 13.00-14.00 in 1523-318 (note change of venue)

Registration deadline is May 2nd at 8.00 to julan@au.dk.

At the meeting the foundation will present the new research support programme and the research strategy within the technical area and natural sciences.

The information meeting is primarily targeting researchers and those supporting researchers during the application process.

 At the meeting there will be a presentation by the Director of Research Thomas Sinkjær on the research support programmes. Afterward there will be time for questions and consulting the foundation regarding the application process etc.

The VILLUM Foundation

VILLUM Foundation is a non-profit, philanthropic foundation established by Villum Kann Rasmussen - the founder of VELUX and other companies in the VKR Group.

The foundation supports research in the technical and natural sciences, as well as environmental, social and cultural projects in Denmark and abroad. The foundation is responsible for awarding the Villum Kann Rasmussen Annual Award for Technical and Scientific Research.


 Find more information on the VILLUM Foundation webpage: http://veluxfoundations.dk/da/content/nyskabende-forskning-skal-ske-paa-forskernes-praemisser