Student Colloquium: Beam me up, Scotty! The science behind Quantum Teleportation, v/ Hamna Aslam
Supervisor: Aurélien Dantan
Quantum teleportation sounds like science fiction, but what does it really mean? In this talk, I will explore the science behind quantum teleportation and answer questions like: How can information be transferred without physically moving particles? What role does quantum entanglement play in making teleportation possible? I will begin by breaking down the concept of qubits and the puzzling phenomenon of entanglement, famously described by Einstein as "spooky action at a distance." Moving from theory to practice, I will also look at how teleportation is realized in experiments, the techniques used to create entangled states, and how we can transfer quantum information securely and instantly. Finally, I will discuss how this technology could shape the future, from quantum computers to the quantum internet. In this presentation we’ll find out: can Scotty really beam you up, or does quantum science say something else?