Student Colloquium - Tobias Claus: The End of Determinism: The History of Quantum Mechanics
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Supervisor: Dmitri Fedorov
Quantum mechanics is one of the most interesting parts of physics and is a part of the physics curriculum all over the world. Important applications of quantum mechanics include, among others, lasers, electron microscopes, transistors, LEDs, atomic clocks and GPS.
In this talk I will have a closer look on the history and conceptual development of quantum mechanics which started about 100 years ago. I will mention some of the key experiments and theoretical considerations. Starting by Planck and the black body radiation, I will talk about the founding works Albert Einstein, Nils Bohr and Louis de Broglie as well as about the matrix mechanics of Werner Heisenberg, Max Born and Pascual Jordan; and the wave-mechanics of Erwin Schrödinger. The talk does not demand specific knowledge but an interest in the development of thoughts and the history of physics and science.