Aarhus University Seal

SAC Seminar - Ben Pope: K2 Peak Difficulty: Transits Planets in Campaigns 5 and 6 and Asteroseismology of Kepler's Brightest Stars

Info about event


Thursday 2 June 2016,  at 15:15 - 16:00



High-precision time series photometry with the Kepler satellite has been crucial to our understanding both of exoplanets, and via asteroseismology, of stellar physics. After the failure of two reaction wheels, the Kepler satellite has been repurposed as Kepler-2 (K2), observing fields close to the ecliptic plane. I will discuss some recent work we have been doing at Oxford: first, our new pipeline 'K2SC', which uses the Gaussian Process-based to correct for the K2 pointing systematics and simultaneously model stellar variability. I will then present the results of our planet search in Campaigns 5 and 6 with this pipeline: we detect 147 single-planet system candidates and 5 multi-planet systems, independently recovering the previously-published hot Jupiters. I will discuss the applicability of K2SC to asteroseismic targets which are not well treated by other methods.

In the other half of my talk, I will show that engineering data acquired for photometric calibration, consisting of collateral `smear' measurements, can be used to reconstruct light curves for saturated targets not otherwise observable with Kepler/K2. Here we present examples of Kepler and K2 targets showing solar-like oscillations, classical pulsations, eclipsing binaries and stellar activity. These nearby, bright targets are suitable for characterization with interferometry as benchmark stars, and we present preliminary results comparing asteroseismic and interferometric diameters for a sample of red giants in our K2 Saturated Star Survey.