Aarhus University Seal

QTLab@AU - new teaching lab

Our department will soon have brand new teaching laboratories with a focus on quantum technology!

[Translate to English:] Laser lab
[Translate to English:] Lars Kruse, AU foto / Michael Drewsen

The Novo Nordisk Foundation recently granted 8.4 million DKK to the project QTLab: Quantum Teaching Lab at Aarhus University, led by Associate Professor Aurelien Dantan, for the establishment of ten quantum experimental setups at the department.

These setups, inspired by the local state-of-the-art research activities within photonics, trapped ions and quantum gases, will allow us to offer various pedagogical activities to a broad audience - from high-school students and teachers to bachelor/master/PhD students.  The activities let the audience get acquainted with the counter-intuitive world of photons and atoms and to get hands-on experience with the workings of quantum computers and simulators.


Contact person:
Associate Professor Aurelien Dantan
dantan@phys.au.dk, tel : 23987386