Aarhus University Seal

Conversion of IT systems

From the end of August to mid-September, the IT systems that Aarhus University uses for financial management will be converted-

From the end of August to mid-September, the IT systems that Aarhus University uses for financial management will be converted to reflect Aarhus University’s new organisation. In specific terms, this means that the new main academic areas, departments and approval hierarchies, etc. will be implemented in the systems.

INDFAK and AURUS are being temporarily closed

The conversion means that the AURUS travel and expense accounts system and the INDFAK invoicing system will be temporarily closed during the following periods:

AURUS: from 29 August up to and including 9 September 2012
INDFAK: from 1 September up to and including 13 September 2012

The conversion and closure affect all staff members who use AURUS or INDFAK.


During the closure period, it will not be possible to process travel and expense accounts in AURUS, which means any payments can first be made when the system reopens. However, the closure does not affect travel bookings at CWT (Carlson Wagonlit Travel). During the closure period, it will not be possible to process new incoming invoices, which means a backlog of unprocessed invoices can be expected when INDFAK reopens.

To avoid as much inconvenience as possible during the conversion, staff members are requested to be aware of the following:

  • Clear INDFAK before the closure.
  • By 24 August at the latest, new incoming invoices in flow will be sent to the people responsible for the orders.
  • No later than 31 August at 23.59, all invoices in flow must be approved. For people responsible for ordering goods, this means that you must not wait until the very last day to receive goods.
  • INDFAK reopens on 14 September. You will receive a welcome e-mail with a new username and further information.
  • When INDFAK reopens on 14 September, there will be a large backlog of invoices. AU Finance encourages users to process the invoices as quickly as possible.
  • Aarhus University’s suppliers will be notified by letter about the temporary closure of the finance systems at Aarhus University and possible delays in payments of invoices.

To avoid as much inconvenience as possible during the conversion, staff members are requested to be aware of the following:

  • You can register new AURUS accounts until 28 August at the latest, and they must be forwarded to the supervisor prior to the closure.
  • By 4 September at the latest, accounts must be checked and approved in AURUS.
  • The last AURUS payments before the closure period will be made on 5 September.
  • AURUS reopens on 10 September. You will receive a welcome e-mail with a new username and further information.

Aarhus University’s webshop
In connection with the conversion of the finance systems, it is also necessary to close Aarhus University’s webshop for a short period. The webshop will be closed from 1 September up to and including 9 September. Payments cannot be received at the webshop during this period, and registration for conferences and other events (applies to both paid and free events) can therefore not be confirmed. AU Finance will notify organisers who can be affected during the closure period.

The conversion of Aarhus University’s finance systems is the first stage towards a joint financial management model. Once the conversion has been completed, the finance systems will reflect Aarhus University’s new organisation, thus providing the university with an overall basis for the further implementation of the joint financial management model.


To read more about the conversion of the IT systems, the closure of AURUS and INDFAK, and the preparations for joint financial management at Aarhus University, go to www.au.dk/faellesoekonomimodel (in Danish).


If you have any questions about the INDFAK, AURUS and Webshop closure periods, please get in touch with your normal contact person in the finance area:

Link for the main academic areas: http://medarbejdere.au.dk/administration/oekonomi/oekonomi-for-hovedomraaderne/

Link for deputy directors: http://medarbejdere.au.dk/fileadmin/www.medarbejdere.au.dk/oekonomi_bygninger/Find_en_medarbejder_i_OEP/ADM_OEkonomi.pdf