New postdoc - Raffaele Cheula
Raffaele Cheula joins the research group of Mie Andersen as a postdoctoral fellow in September 2021

Raffaele will work on the development of a computational framework based on active learning to guide the search for new catalytic materials. The main chemical process that he will study is the catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol at low temperatures.
Prior to joining Aarhus University, Raffaele worked in the Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes research group under the supervision of prof. Matteo Maestri, at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He received his Master’s degree in September 2016 and his PhD degree in July 2020 from Politecnico di Milano. From September 2018 to June 2019, he was a visiting research scholar at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. His research studies focused on the modeling of morphological transformations and surface reactions of catalyst nanoparticles with a multiscale approach based on density functional theory calculations.