New postdoc: Michael Groves
Michael Groves joined the theory group of Bjørk Hammer as a Postdoctoral Researcher April 1st, 2013
Michael Groves joined the theory group of Bjørk Hammer as a Postdoctoral Researcher April 1st, 2013. Michael was awarded his PhD in 2012 from the Royal Military College of Canada where he examined the changes in the electronic structure of doped graphene for platinum catalyst supports while under scholarship from the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. He has also worked on projects ranging from developing a non-destructive depth profiling grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering technique to chemical reactions under spatial confinement. His current project includes understanding chiral products in hydrogenation reactions on modified Pt 111 in order to understand how to design future enantioselective catalysts.