New nodes in order to expand the Linux-cluster Grendel
During May 2022, CSCAA will start the procurement of new nodes in order to expand the Linux-cluster Grendel.
"Dear Researcher.
During May 2022, CSCAA will start the procurement of new nodes in order to expand the Linux-cluster Grendel. By pooling the investments together in one big deal, we might get better prices, a more homogeneous system, and an overall easier procurement process.
Therefore, if you intend to contribute to Grendel with nodes, GPU-nodes or user storage please contact Niels Carl Hansen, CSCAA, or Ian Heide Godtliebsen, CSCAA, as soon as possible, and not later than Friday, 8th April 2022, to inform which type of equipment you want, and the amount of your planned investment.
By starting the procurement process in May this year, we expect there will be enough time to get the equipment delivered this year, which means that your investment can be attributed to 2022.
You are welcome to pass on this information to anybody at AU for whom it might be relevant.
Best Regards
Lars Bojer Madsen,, 8715 5636
Niels Carl Hansen,, 6020 2635
Ian Heide Godtliebsen,, 9350 8786