Aarhus University Seal

KIF Århus - Get-Together

Women in Physics

Info about event


Friday 17 September 2021,  at 16:00 - 17:30



Now that things have opened up, we can finally meet in person, and here is your chance to meet other women in physics and engineering in Århus!

Louise Kindt from the KIF Board will host this event together with Pernille Klarskov Pedersen, Assistant professor at the Department of Electrical and Computerengineering at AU.

All are welcome!
Feel free to invite your friends.
Drinks and snacks will be provided.

Place: 'Det Skæve Rum', Ny Munkegade 120, 8000 Århus C

Please sign up on Facebook or email us at mail@kvinderifysik.dk if you are planning to attend.