Science Studies Pitch Seminar
Staff and students at the Centre for Science Studies (CSS) pitch ideas and ongoing projects
Info about event
1531-215 (D3)
- 14.15-14.30 Simon Okholm: What is an anti-aging intervention?
- 14.30-14.45 Stig Løvschall Grøntved: 'Black Box': On metaphor performativity and materiality
- 14.45-15.00 Brad Wray: A scientometric study of immunology
- 15.00-15.15 Break
- 15.15-15.30 Nick K. Kajendrarajah and Nicolas D. Bennett: Is science completely wrong? The reproducibility crisis and antibody reviews
- 15.30-15.45 Cristina Lagido: The Open and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Training Landscape – insights from EU project PATTERN
- 15.45-16.00 Mary Louise Elworth: Mathematical Structuralism and the Role of Symmetry in Mathematics
All pitches will be no longer than 7,5 minutes, allowing 7,5 minutes for Q&A. No more than five slides including title slide allowed.
Drinks and snacks will be served after the event.