CSS colloquium: Urban Wråkberg, University of Tromsø
Off-shore Industry on the Norwegian Sector of the Seabed of the Barents Sea: Geo-economics, Technoscience and Regional Challenges
Info about event
Aud D4 (1531-219)
Urban Wråkberg will present some findings from his research on the tensions between variously scaled discourses on oil and gas extraction in the Norwegian EEZ of the Barents Sea. He will exemplify and discuss processes of opinion- and decision-making variously situated in geographic and socio-economic contexts, in local political circles of Finnmark County in north-easternmost Norway, among spokespersons of the Norwegian and international petro-industry, in the environmental movements and among geo-economic think-tanks and advisors on international investments. Wråkberg will also make a brief overview of on-going multidisciplinary research at the Campus Kirkenes of the Arctic University of Norway including its emphasis on borderland and tourism studies.
Coffee/tea and chocolate will be served at 14:00.