Aarhus University Seal

CSS Colloquium: Tom Børsen, Techno-Anthropology and Participation, Aalborg University

Is Ethics of Chemistry only a multi-disciplinary topic for teaching? Or might it also be a research program in itself?

Info about event


Wednesday 23 February 2022,  at 14:15 - 15:45


Aud. D4 (1531–219)

In this seminar I will present a new book entitled Ethics of Chemistry: From Poison Gas to Climate Engineering (Schummer and Børsen, 2021) that contains 20 ethical case studies of chemistry. I will present the book’s content and identify which ethical values the different case studies address, and discuss who holds agency as well as how responsibility is enacted. I will report on how the book was reviewed, discuss how it might be used for teaching ethics to students of chemistry and chemical engineering, and whether it can serve as the foundation of a new research program in Ethics of Chemistry.


Coffee, tea, cakes and fruit will be served before the colloquium at 2 pm.