CSS Colloquium: Gitte Kragh, Citizen Science Netværket
Citizen science - overview, origins and opportunities through a motivational lens
Info about event
G4 (1532-222)
Citizen science - or public participation in scientific research - has seen impressive growth in the last couple of decades, and some trace the origin much further back. But were motivations the same in the 1800s as they are now, considering the very different societal and scientific contexts? How did citizen science evolve into the multidisciplinary method it is today, used in a plethora of disciplines in myriad different ways? Here I will give an overview of citizen science through a motivational lens; from the origins of this now rapidly expanding phenomenon, through the challenges it poses for scientists and citizen scientists, to the opportunities and benefits citizen science can provide for democratisation of science, scientific enhancement and public empowerment.
Coffee, tea, cakes and fruit will be served before the colloquium @ 2 pm