Aarhus University Seal

Astronomy on Tap Aarhus

Info about event


Tuesday 7 November 2017,  at 19:30 - 22:00


Tir Na nOg

Around the world, Astronomy on Tap features games, talks, and quizzes by professional astronomers and educators in the informal setting of a local bar.

Astronomy on Tap is organized by professional astronomers connected to Aarhus University. All events are in (simple!) English and take place at Tir Na nOg once a month - free of charge. We welcome all ages and backgrounds - a passion for beer and/or astronomy is a bonus!

Our third Aarhus edition will take place on Tuesday 7 November at 19.30 in the Merchant Room at Tir Na nOg (Frederiksgade 38). Join us for an evening of informal astronomy and great beer! Our second event will feature:

- Maria Hjorth is a PhD student at the stellar astrophysics centre (SAC) at Aarhus University. Maria works primarily on understanding the nature of Hot-Jupiter exoplanets.

- Hans Kjeldsen is a Professor at the stellar astrophysics centre (SAC) at Aarhus University, working primarily on asteroseismology and connections to exoplanet studies.

- In between the talks, there will be fun astronomical games and quizzes! Use this opportunity to improve your astronomical knowledge or just show off to your friends!

- To round off the evening there will be a presentation of current astronomical events in the night sky, in the news, etc.

AoT Aarhus 2017 is sponsored by Stellar Astrophysics Centre (SAC) at Aarhus University, Aarhus University Press, Steno Museum, Folkeuniversitet, and ESO.