Adam Chatterley, new employee as of 1st September
Adam Chatterley joined CCQ in September as a laser, electro-optics, and data acquisition technician.

He will mostly work with Michael Drewsen and Jan Arlt's groups maintaining, building, and improving the experimental equipment. He will keep the many lasers running, work with group members to build new setups, and develop and maintain the data acquisition software for the CCQ experimental groups. However, his time permitting, he will also gladly assist other groups in solving experimental challenges.
Adam has a background in ultrafast gas-phase molecular dynamics. His PhD was in the UK, split between the groups of Jan Verlet in Durham and Vas Stavros in Warwick. His PhD thesis investigated femtosecond photoelectron and photoion spectroscopy of gaseous molecules. Afterwards, he spent 3 years as a postdoc at Berkeley National Lab femtosecond soft X-ray experiments with Steve Leone, Dan Neumark, and Oliver Gessner. He came to Denmark in 2016 to work with Henrik Stapelfeldt on ultrafast spectroscopy inside helium droplets, and has spent the latest year as a nonlinear optics technician in Tobias Weidner's group.