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Title: Two-photon pulse scattering and bound states in WQED Abstract: In this talk I will discuss the analytical treatment of the scattering problem…
Title: Cold and controlled collisions using tamed molecular beams
Abstract: The study of molecular collisions with the highest possible detail has…
Title: Investigating the dynamics of quantum impurities immersed in potassium Bose-Einstein condensates
Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss the…
Title: Precision tests of models of spontaneous wave function collapse
Abstract: Quantum mechanics is grounded on the superposition principle, which…
Speed lectures on 26 April 2023 at Stakladen, AU
Title: Reinforcement Learning based approaches to Quantum Control Abstract: In recent years, the ever-growing field of Machine Learning has gathered…
Title: The primary steps of ion solvation
Abstract: We will present recent experimental results that have enabled us to observe the solvation…
Title: Study of Electric Field Noise from Carbon Contamination above a Surface Ion Trap
Abstract: Ion trap systems are the most promising platform…
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