Aarhus Universitets segl

CCQ Lunch Seminar - Danil Kornovan

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 16. marts 2022,  kl. 11:30 - 13:00

Title: High Q-factor states in regular 1D dipole arrays 

Long-lived optical states find a plenty of applications in both classical nanophotonics, and quantum optics: from the creation of resonators, subwavelength waveguides, and sensors to the efficient generation of nonlinear signals. In my talk, I will discuss a way to create high Q-factor collective states in a rather simple system that is a regular one-dimensional dipole array. I will elaborate on the physical mechanism for such states to appear based on the dispersion curve bending close to the edge of the Brillouin zone, as well as their important properties like the scaling of lifetimes with the system size, and the multipolar content of the field emitted by such states. Apart from the analysis made in the framework of coupled-dipole toy model, I will also present results of numerical simulations for a realistic Silicon On Insulator (SOI) type structure.