CCQ Lunch Seminar
Speaker: Ragheed Alhyder - Title: “An impurity immersed in a two-component Fermi sea”.
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In this talk I will take the chance to talk about my PhD work and to emphasize a theoretical part regarding the physics of an impurity in a two component Fermi sea.
Part of the talk will include my participation in the construction of a new generation cold atoms machine in the team of ultracold fermion at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris under the supervision of Christophe Salomon. This experiment has the goal of studying strongly interacting fermionic gases of 6Li.
The main part will shed light on the physics of the phase diagram of an impurity immersed in a non-interacting double Fermi sea. This regime presents several fundamental states depending on the nature of interactions between the impurity and the fermionic components of the bath. We have shown, using a variational calculation, that there exists a phase transition of first order between the weakly interacting impurity-fermion interaction where a quasiparticle, called the polaron, is present, and the limit of stronger interactions where a bound state of three-particles, called a trimer, is present close to the Fermi surface. This project and its main result will be presented during the talk.
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