Aarhus Universitets segl

Travel within Aarhus

To walk from the centre of the city to the university takes approximately 20 minutes.

However, if you prefer, several bus services are available to the University.

Bus Timetables

Aarhus city bus timetables can be found online on the Midttrafik website. A summary of the buses which go between the centre of Aarhus and the Institute is given below.

From the centre of Aarhus to the Conference venue/Department

Stop name Weekday Frequency
Bus number Direction Centre of Aarhus By the Department 06:00-18:00 18:00-00:00
4 Frydenlund Banegårdspladsen/Park Alle Kaserneboulevarden 3 per hour 2 per hour
24 Frydenlund Banegårdspladsen/Park Alle Kaserneboulevarden 3 per hour none
7 Charlottehøj Banegårdspladsen Kaserneboulevarden 4 per hour 2 per hour
17 Skejby Sygehus Banegårdspladsen Kaserneboulevarden 2 per hour 2 per hour
26 Skejby Banegårdspladsen Kaserneboulevarden 2 per hour none
53 Mejlby/Lindå Banegårdspladsen Kaserneboulevarden 1 per hour 1 per hour

Map showing the bus stops in the centre of Aarhus. The relevant bus stops are circled.


From the Conference  venue/Department to the centre of Aarhus

Stop name Weekday Frequency
Bus number Direction By the Institute Centre of Aarhus 06:00-18:00 18:00-00:00
4 Skåde/Emiliedalsvej Fynsgade Banegårdspladsen/Park Alle 3 per hour 2 per hour
24 Holme Kirke Fynsgade Banegårdspladsen/Park Alle 3 per hour none
7 Vejby Nord/Stenagervej Kaserneboulevarden Banegårdspladsen 4 per hour 2 per hour
17 Brabrand Syd Kaserneboulevarden Banegårdspladsen 2 per hour 2 per hour
26 Nøddeengen Kaserneboulevarden Banegårdspladsen 2 per hour none
53 Langenæs/Ankersgade Kaserneboulevarden Banegårdspladsen 1 per hour 1 per hour

Bus Tickets

A single ticket bought on a bus (ticket machine, no notes) is valid for 2 hours of travel and will cost:

Zones Price DKK
1-2 19,-
3 26,-
4 33,-

The University is in Zone 1, the centre of the City. Click here to view a map showing the 4 bus zones in the Aarhus area.

A multi-ride 'klippekort' (see image to the right) can be bought in most newsagents for 120,- DKK, which allows 10 journeys within zones 1 & 2 (which includes the University). The ' klippekort' is not personal. One clip is valid for 2 hours. On entering the bus (at the back) you should clip the "klippekort" in the small yellow machine before taking a seat on the bus.


Denmark is an ideal country for cycling. There are not many (very) steep hills and there are many safe cycling paths. Urban conditions for cyclists are constantly being improved. Look out for the special cyclists’ routes (cykelruter) and cycle paths (cykelstier).