Aarhus Universitets segl

General Physics Colloquium - Matthias Heymann: 'Small state versus Superpower: Science and Geopolitics in Greenland in the Cold War'

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Onsdag 20. november 2013,  kl. 15:15 - 16:00


Fys. Aud. (1523-318)

General Physics Colloquium

'Small state versus Superpower: Science and Geopolitics in Greenland in the Cold War'


Matthias Heymann

Centre for Science Studies, IFA 


With this lecture we wish to mark the end of the historical research project “Exploring Greenland: Science and Technology in Cold War Settings”, which we have pursued with a Danish-American-Canadian-German team of historians of science from June 2010 to November 2013. The lecture will present main results and experiences of the project. Science in Greenland proved an important means for military and political aims in the Cold War. Politics and military reasoning, on the other hand, proved an influential force in shaping Arctic science in Cold War Greenland. How did fundamentally different political goals and concerns of the superpower USA and of the small state Denmark play out in research activities in Greenland? And how did science contribute to Cold War politics? What did we learn and which surprises did we encounter?


Coffee/tea and cake will be served at 3 PM.


All are invited to a reception after the colloquium in the IFA Library.