Aarhus Universitets segl

Transit of Mercury

Have you ever seen the planet Mercury? On Monday 9 May it will transit the Sun from 13:12 to 19:42 DST and you can join us at the Ole Rømer-Observatory for the occasion.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Mandag 9. maj 2016,  kl. 12:45 - 21:00


Aarhus, Denmark


SAC and Science Museerne, Aarhus Universitet
The previous transit of Mercury in 2006

Doors will be open from 12:45 to 21:00.
You can view the transit with our various telescopes with safe visual and H-alpha filters.
You can buy coffee, tea and cake.
You may be able to see us use the SONG Hertzschprung telescope on Tenerife to record the transit.
And the admission is free.

In cloudy weather we still keep the doors open, and we will try to find a weblink where we can follow the transit.

Next time, in November 2019, the transit will be barely visible from Denmark, and the transit in 2032 is so far off, that you ought to treat yourself, your kids, your friends and your family to this rare occasion.