Aarhus Universitets segl

Solar Granulation paper by SAC and Birmingham group in MNRAS

Mikkel Lund is main author of the paper titeled "Spatial incoherence of solar granulation: a global analysis using BiSON 2B data"

Solar Granulation. Click on the image to the right for a time lapse movie of the boiling Solar surface. Credit Bob Trembley on YouTube

The granulation paper deals with spatial coherence of granulation noise and oscillation modes in the Sun using data from the BiSON 2B instrument. BISON is a 6 telescope network run by the Birmingham group on telescopes distributed in USA, Chile, on Tenerife, in South Africa and in Australia in Carnavon and Narrabi

Publication date in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society was 6 September 2017, and the paper is available on arXive and here.

In case you wonder what granulation is, this a magnificent explanation from YouTube.